It is concerned primarily with the actions organizations take to achieve competitive advantage and create value for the organization and its stakeholders.
Some of the content found on these pages are NOT endorsed by the author of this page. I simply found the information interesting for personal consumption and a way to remember what steps I need to take on this journey.
A statistically literate person understands the language of statistics and understands statistical concepts and reasoning. To become statistically literate, one should be able to think (statistically).
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Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. — Malcolm Forbes
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The pages listed below are a collection of websites that I have found that helps with research. Google is an excellent search engine; however, the firehose of information is overwhelming. This page is a list of self-reminders for later. Enjoy the things that you find on this page. It might help you.
Specific academic search sites for research papers.
The links below are used as guide to help with Academic writing for students. The format used is APA 7.0
This links are a MUST to stay focused on the task at hand.
These are sites that I use for various other reasons.